Edinburgh Southern Orienteering Club

Information Directory

About Us

We organise a regular programme of local orienteering events, regular junior coaching sessions, weekly club training for members and also club socials. In addition, we organise larger orienteering eve… read more

An Introduction to Turf

Turf is a fun and free GPS-based app for your smartphone. It will encourage you to get out and about, and take you to different places. You can run, walk or cycle – there aren’t any rules on how to en… read more

Orienteering Links

Some useful links for orienteers.… read more


If you are involved with a school and would like more information about what ESOC can offer to schools who would like their pupils to learn orienteering, please email: schoolenquiries@esoc.org.uk… read more

Coaching and Training

ESOC offers a range of options for both junior and senior members.ESOC has a number of UKCC (United Kingdom Coaching Certificate) and British Orienteering qualified coaches, who are all active oriente… read more