Edinburgh Southern Orienteering Club

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Highland WOLF 2015Speyside, 5/6 September

This enjoyable weekend, organised by Badenoch and Strathspey Orienteering Club, included the 6th event in the 2015 Scottish Orienteering Urban League, and the final Scottish Orienteering League event of 2015. There was a good turnout from ESOC, and some excellent results. 

Sun 13 Sept 2015Read more…

September Social 2015Monday 7 September

On a lovely evening for urban running, the good weather was an added bonus for this early Autumn social. Mark and Jeni planned a score event surrounding their home in Alnwickhill.

Fri 11 Sept 2015Read more…

Glasgow Parks Championships 201530 August

ESOC members were amongst the winners at the 17th Glasgow Parks Championships, and enjoyed the warmer weather than usual at this event.

Tue 1 Sept 2015Read more…

August Social 2015 - Manor Valley RunMonday 17 August

A warmish and calm evening for the run in the Borders west of Peebles

Sat 22 Aug 2015Read more…

Club Captain’s Chat - August 2015

Due to a technical problem, Helena's report didn't make it into the August issue of Capital-O, and is available here instead. 

Wed 19 Aug 2015Read more…

Highland 2015 - Scottish 6 Days2 - 8 August

The Scottish 6 Days was much bigger than usual this year, running in conjunction with the World Orienteering Championships. ESOC was one of the lead clubs, and ESOC members were hard at work all week, some giving up their runs, but everyone seems to have enjoyed the event. 

Sat 15 Aug 2015Read more…

Highland 2015WOC and S6D

A note of thanks from Ewart Scott to ESOC members

Fri 14 Aug 2015Read more…

Sandy Robertson1931-2015

Sandy died peacefully in the early hours of the 31st July 2015 after a long illness; he was a founding member of ESOC.

Fri 14 Aug 2015Read more…

July Social 2015Monday 5 July

Heavy rain didn't dampen enthusiasm for this run!

Mon 13 Jul 2015Read more…

WOC 2015 Selections

ESOC athlete selected again for WOC! 

Tue 23 Jun 2015Read more…

Schiehallion WeekendStirling/Perthshire, 19-21 June 2015

Featuring SOUL 4 and SOL 5 (presented by FVO), and SOL 6 (presented by TAY), this was a weekend to remember, especially since the first two events were being run in conjunction with Sprint and Middle Distance World Ranking Events for M/W21 Elites, which attracted international competitors.

Mon 22 Jun 2015Read more…

Jamie Stevenson Trophy 2015Kinnoull Hill, 14 June

ESOC juniors enjoyed the Jamie Stevenson Trophy event!

Mon 15 Jun 2015Read more…

ESOC at the 2015 Venla/JukolaPaimio, Finland, 13/14 June

3 ESOC members competed at the Venla and Jukola relays - the biggest orienteering relays in the world, held annually in Finland.

Mon 15 Jun 2015Read more…

June Social 2015 - Skyline RunMonday 8 June

Our annual skyline run in the Pentlands was postponed, and took place on a much nicer night than the week before. Lots of ESOC people took part; it was a great night!

Tue 9 Jun 2015Read more…

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