Edinburgh Southern Orienteering Club

A Presentation to Roger

Roger Scrutton hands over management of Wednesday evening training sessions at RHS.
Brian Miller writes about the high esteem Roger is held in by Club members and the presentation on his 'retirement' from managing the winter training sessions at the Royal High School.

Brian Miller writes about the high esteem Roger is held in by Club members and the presentation on his 'retirement' from managing the winter training sessions at the Royal High School:

"The winter Wednesday evening club training sessions at the Royal High School have been run enthusiastically and tirelessly by Roger Scrutton for many years. These have proved popular and sociable, and many have greatly enjoyed both the physical training aspects and the variety of often quite challenging orienteering exercises Roger has laid on.
Roger has now decided that it is time to hand over the reins. After his final session recently, Ewart marked the occasion by making a brief speech and presenting Roger with a token of appreciation (of the alcoholic variety). The mood in the room was very much one of hearty thanks. Photo of Ewart, Roger and Bill is below. Judy and Rachel also brought along a small token of appreciation for Roger, and a photo of Rachel and Roger is below too.
Thank you Roger!"

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