CompassSport Cup Final 2016Tankersley Woods, 16 October
The ESOC team enjoyed a club weekend at the CompassSport Cup Final.
The 2016 CompassSport Cup and Trophy Final was hosted by South Yorkshire Orienteers, at Tankersley Woods, just off the M1 to the north of Sheffield.
A large contingent of 52 ESOC members competed on CompassSport Cup courses, and the younger ESOC juniors ran colour-coded courses too. Most travelled on a bus organised by the club, heading south on Saturday 15 October, and stopped off on the way at a training event organised by East Pennine Orienteering Club near Wakefield. Accommodation had been arranged in Barnsley, and on Saturday evening there was a convivial group meal at a local Indian restaurant. Others made their own way to South Yorkshire, several staying on for a long weekend.
Tankersley Woods is a long narrow area, and is very complex, with an industrial past that included mining for coal and iron, as well as factories and railways that were bombed during WWII. The terrain has many pits, depressions and small hills in mixed woodland, criss-crossed by a complicated network of paths. Some parts were very muddy, and there were low brambles and other undergrowth. Longer courses had timed-out road crossings, taking them into further parts of the woods. For all courses, the last few controls were on rough open ground, with the final one on the top of a hill, giving a downhill finish. The weather was very wet for early starters, but cleared up as the day progressed, and it was sunny by the time of the prize-giving.
ESOC count as a large club, and were competing in the CompassSport Cup against AIRE, BOK, DEE, FVO, HH, OD, SO and SYO. The scoring is complicated – for a full explanation, and other information, see the CompassSport Cup Coordinator’s webpage. Our final score was 1976 – although this was more than our last foray to the Final, in 2012 (when we came 6th - see this news item), sadly it was not enough to beat any of these major clubs this time.
Helena Nolan (ESOC Club Captain) said, "Thank you for everyone who made the long trip to Tankersley, South Yorkshire to compete for ESOC - I hope you enjoyed the weekend and will be ready to try and improve on our result sometime. The only way is up!".
ESOC’s counting scorers were:
Brown - Craig Nolan (83), Andrew Lindsay (76), Paul Clatworthy (62)
Short Brown - Alistair Hindle (79), Walter Clark (72), Mark Rowe (66), Jamie Cunningham (61)
Blue Women - Laura Robertson (97), Helen Bridle (95), Rona Lindsay (93), Heather Thomson (85)
Blue Men - Keith Brown (80), Mike Stewart (72), Terry Johnstone (62)
Green Women - Alison Cunningham (92)
Green Men - Crawford Lindsay (86), Roger Scrutton (72), Martin Caldwell (70), and Alastair Lessells and Les Dalgleish both had 65 points, but only one of them could count
Short Green Veterans - Sally Lindsay (95), John McLaren (87), Ian Pyrah (83), Eleanor Pyrah (81)
Junior Men (Green) - Ben Brown (72)
Orange Women - Rachel Brown (90)
Full results, Routegadget, and further details about the 2016 event are available on the CompassSport Cup Final page of the SYO website. The results include the team scores for both Cup and Trophy.
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