Edinburgh Southern Orienteering Club

CompassSport Cup Final 2022Devilla & Tulliallan, 16 October

The ESOC team had some great runs at the CSC Final, which was organised by Forth Valley Orienteers.

ESOC qualified for the 2022 CompassSport Cup Final in March (see this news item) and this year the final was close at hand, so we had a much better turnout than last year. The event was based at Tulliallan Police College, near Kincardine on the north side of the Forth estuary. This was a big event, with nearly 700 competitors, and there was a great atmosphere in the Arena, which was on the lawns to the west of the college buildings. There were many brightly-coloured club tents and flags along the run-in.
The Start was on the east side of Moor Loch, about 25 minutes’ walk. The longer courses took competitors into the more open Devilla side of the map, while the shorter courses stayed in Tulliallan. The terrain was varied, mostly conifer forest, with a network of paths and tracks, many small hills giving some complex contour detail, water features, and much undergrowth. Some parts were quite rough. The final few controls were in the parkland around the Police College, offering a change of pace, and the run-in was a challenge, with a steep grassy bank.
After a damp start to the day, the weather was beautiful - sunny all day, though there was a cool breeze.

ESOC were competing in the CompassSport Cup (the competition for large clubs) against AIRE, BOK, FVO, LOC, NGOC, and SYO. The scoring is complicated – for a full explanation see the CompassSport Cup Rules.

ESOC came 5th, with a score of 2165. Our counting scorers were:
Brown – Vicente Lopez Sanchez (90), Paul Clatworthy (81), Aki Uutela (79)
Blue (Women) – Helen Bridle (96), Sabine Oechsner (86), Sarah Crawford (79), Karena Hanley (75)
Blue (Men) – Finlay Ross (83)
Green (Women) – Rachel Brown (98), Alison Cunningham (92)
Green (Men) – Richard Oxlade (96), Keith Brown (95), Martin Caldwell (82), Crawford Lindsay (79)
Short Green Veterans – Sally Lindsay (95), Les Dalgleish (94), Roger Garnett (88), Roger Scrutton (77)
Short Green Supervets – Margaret Dalgleish (98), Mary Williams (96), Eleanor Pyrah (92), Katy Lessells (80)
Orange (Junior Men) – Tom Uutela (80)
Orange (Junior Women) – Megan Brown (80), Thea Thomas (74)

Full results are available in the FVO results archive, and Routegadget is here. South Yorkshire Orienteers won the Cup competition, and Interløpers won the Trophy.

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