Edinburgh Southern Orienteering Club

December Social 2012Monday 3 December

The story .......

Janet and Jim hosted this social from their home in Stockbridge and the score street run took us around Stockbridge into Inverleith Park, down to the Water of Leith, up Calton Hill and along all the streets of the New Town; well, these areas were on the map, but time constraints (a choice of 50, 60 or 70 minutes) ensured route choice was paramount and certainly not every area could be visited. I chose to head across to Broughton Street, up to Queen Street and then along the shopping streets – Multrees Walk, George Street, Charlotte Square - and many others did similar or the reverse - an intriguing sight for the shoppers and office workers and a great opportunity to see all the Christmas lights – I loved it! It proved a little difficult to find the information plaques and in many cases impossible to read unless you had a powerful headtorch, but lots of fun nonetheless.
All too quickly it was time to head back to Janet and Jim’s - hopefully without a time penalty - to enjoy lots of delicious food and drink and chat about the fun of the run and frustrations of inadequate lights/eyesight! 1st, 2nd, 3rd on the 50 min score – Alison, Maggie, Fran; on the 60 min score – Rachel, Crawford, Eleanor; and on the 70 min score – Andrew D, Gemma, Mehmet (perhaps Andrew did make it round all the controls?!)

Many thanks to Janet and Jim for hosting this social and for arranging the planning of the run.

Alison Cunningham

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