Edinburgh Southern Orienteering Club

December Social 2015Monday 7 December

There was a good turnout for another chance to try "Sequence-O".

The December social was hosted by Alastair and Katy Lessells, who presented a similar challenge to the popular puzzle at their previous social (in October 2014).

Sally Lindsay reports:
“There were 18 controls in the streets around Blackhall, with an hour to find as many as possible. It was a very mild evening, and torches quickly bobbed off to east and west, crossing over Queensferry Road, and Telford Road too, in the quest for the control sites.
At each control site, there was a code and a word – the word had to be written in the correct place on a grid, according to the code, and on return to the house, the puzzle was to work out the link between the words, and the 4th word in each sequence. So it wasn’t necessary to visit all the controls, but visiting more controls did make the puzzle easier. No-one could solve row C until given many clues by our hosts, however.
The overall winner was Crawford, who had worked out the most correct links and 4th words, and I came second (to my great surprise).
We all enjoyed a splendid buffet and mulled wine – many thanks to Alastair and Katy for their hospitality.”

For those who weren’t there, here’s the puzzle:

1 2 3 4th word in set link
A Ben Nevis Ben Macdui Braeriach ? ?
B Ingliston Gogarburn Gyle ? ?
D Switzerland Norway France ? ?
E Castle Frederick Hanover ? ?
F Ladies dancing Lords a leaping Pipers piping ? ?

And here's the solution: December 2015 social - solution

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