Edinburgh Southern Orienteering Club

DU’O’ 2019Queen’s Park, 30 November

This relay event was a new venture, presented by STAG, and was well supported, with 36 teams competing on a frosty day in Glasgow.

The DU’O’ event was a 4 leg sprint relay for teams of 2, alternating between legs. Teams could consist of any combination of runners, and there was a complicated handicap system based on age and gender. The event took place at Queen’s Park, south of Glasgow city centre. It was very cold, with heavy frost still on the ground, but everyone enjoyed the event.

36 teams took part, with 9 of them from ESOC.
The best ESOC result came from Helena Nolan and Craig Nolan, who came 2nd despite a 12 minute handicap.
The overall results are here.

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