Edinburgh Southern Orienteering Club

Edinburgh Big Weekend 202221-23 January

The return of Edinburgh University Orienteering Club’s Big Weekend saw a huge entry from ESOC, for the 3 contrasting events, and there were several ESOC prizewinners in the City Race.

The first event of the weekend was Fight With The Night (as usual, the 6th event of the series), on Friday 21 January at Pollock Halls. The start was in the heart of the halls area, with courses immediately heading off into the complex network of paths around the various buildings. It was a complicated area with some tricky route choices, and both Short and Long courses had double-sided maps. The Short course stayed mainly within Pollock Halls, while the Long had an excursion into the streets of Prestonfield.
The weather was fine.

ESOC results in the top half were:
Long (115 competitors) – Walter Clark 25th, Rona Lindsay 27th, Oli Warlow 30th, Alistair Black 33rd, Sabine Oechsner 40th, Isla Simmons 49th
Short (116) – Alison Cunningham 7th, Claire Black 30th, Crawford Lindsay 31st, Sally Lindsay 38th, Judy Bell 51st, Hanne Robertson 56th, Rachel Fawthrop 57th=
Junior (18) – Calum Robertson 8th

Further details about the Fight With The Night series are on the FWTN page of the EUOC website.

The Edinburgh City Race was on Saturday 22 January. The assembly area was on The Meadows, near the foot of Middle Meadow Walk, with the junior start close at hand. The main start was on Fountainbridge, and courses from there headed straight into complex urban terrain around the Scottish Widows offices and The Exchange. The longest courses went as far as the Dean Village. The finish was on Bruntsfield Links, beside the Barclay Viewforth church.
The weather was cloudy, with a cold wind, but stayed dry.

ESOC results in the top half were:
W Open (54 competitors) – Rachel Brown 3rd, Sabine Oechsner 10th, Isla Simmons 14th
M Vet (39) – Martin Quirke 7th, Walter Clark 11th, Terry Johnstone 19th
W Vet (42) – Elspeth Bleakley 6th, Fran Daley 21st
M Supervet (51) – Keith Brown 14th
W SuperVet (47) – Alison Cunningham 1st, Helena Nolan 2nd, Rachel Fawthrop 19th
M Ultravet (32) – Crawford Lindsay 3rd, Martin Caldwell 7th, Les Dalgleish 16th
W UltraVet (26) – Sally Lindsay 3rd, Janice Nisbet 7th, Margaret Dalgleish 8th, Rhona Fraser 10th
M Hypervet (15) – Ian Pyrah 5th
W Hypervet (7) – Eleanor Pyrah 1st
W Young Junior (5) – Emma Daley 3rd

This was the first event in the 2022 Scottish Orienteering Urban League. Further details, including a list of this year's events, are on the SOUL page of the Scottish Orienteering Association website, and the league tables are here.
It was also the first event in the 2022 UK Urban League. Information about this league, including the league tables, is available on the UK Urban League website.

On Sunday 23 January, the first South of Scotland Orienteering League (SoSOL) event of 2022 took place on Arthur’s Seat. The assembly area was on the grass near Holyrood Palace, with the starts a short walk away up the back of Salisbury Crags. As usual for this area, most courses had a lot of climb, with some major route choice on long legs crossing between different parts of the map. The Brown and Blue courses had gaffled sections on Whinny Hill and in Meadowfield Park.
The weather was dull, with a chilly wind, and luckily it was still dry.

ESOC results in the top half for their course were as follows:
Blue (107 competitors) – Rona Lindsay 13th, Sabine Oechsner 18th=, Isla Simmons 32nd, Richard Oxlade 34th, Keith Brown 37th, Crawford Lindsay 41st, Terry Johnstone 43rd, Helena Nolan 44th, David Nisbet 54th=
Green (110) – Alison Cunningham 4th, Finlay Ross 18th, Raph Bleakley 23rd, Martin Caldwell 29th,
Les Dalgleish 31st, Claire Black 33rd, Rachel Fawthrop 53rd
Short Green (51) – Margaret Dalgleish 3rd, Judy Bell 5th, Sally Lindsay 6th, Janice Nisbet 12th, Mary Williams 16th, Eleanor Pyrah 20th, Ian Pyrah 24th
Light Green (19) – Calum Robertson 7th
Orange (15) – Luka Hasler Brodie 3rd, Ianthe Bleakley 4th, Rhona Fraser 6th
Yellow (9) – Emma Daley 1st, Sebastian Bleakley 3rd, Rebecca Daley 4th

Full results for the weekend’s events are available on the Edinburgh Big Weekend 2022 Results page. More details about the weekend are on the Big Weekend page of the EUOC website.

Further details about the South of Scotland Orienteering League, including the league tables, are on the SoSOL page of the East of Scotland Orienteering Association website.

Saturday’s and Sunday’s events were the 1st and 2nd in the 2022 UK Orienteering League. There are more details about the UKOL, including the league tables, on the UK Orienteering League website. After these events, ESOC was in 3rd place in the club league. The score for each club is calculated automatically from the 15 best club members' scores (across various age class groups) - so the club members whose scores are included may change as the year goes on and more events are included.

Other entries categorised under: Event Reports