Edinburgh Southern Orienteering Club

ELO Festive Frolic 2008Vogrie Country Park, 28 December

There was a big turnout from ESOC for the East Lothian Orienteers’ seasonal event at Vogrie Country Park, including some prizewinners.

Vogrie (near Gorebridge) isn’t a large area, and the main event had an innovative Domin-O format, adding an extra twist to keep people running around for a full hour. Each control had a festive domino hanging from it, and you had to punch controls in sequence so that the dominoes matched up. Multiple sequences were allowed, but the first control of a new sequence didn’t count towards your score. There was also the less complicated option of a 45 minute “normal” score, using the same map.
There were various approaches to the Domin-O contest – some ran around checking controls first, then worked out a sequence and revisited them in the right order. Others just trusted to luck, and punched whenever they encountered a suitable domino. The post-event analysis and discussion was even more animated than usual!
Mark McLeod (in the Junior Men’s class) gained the highest score and won the overall prize. Heather Thomson was 1st Senior Woman, with Helena Nolan in 2nd place, and Rona Lindsay won the Junior Women’s class.

Results are on the ELO website.

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