Edinburgh Southern Orienteering Club

ESOC at the 2014 London City RaceSunday 21 September

A few ESOC members competed at the London City race, which returned this year to the most technical area for orienteering in the centre of the city. 

The 2014 London City Race was centred on the Barbican Estate, in the heart of the City, and featured the usual steps, fences, walls, roads and the multi-level tunnels and covered walkways of the Barbican Centre itself. Courses passed many of London’s famous buildings, and included some very tricky navigation.
The classes covered different age ranges this year.

Congratulations to Eleanor Pyrah, who won the Women’s Ultravet class (W65+).

Other ESOC results were:
Men’s Veteran (M40+) - Alistair Hindle 12th
Men’s Ultravet (M65+) - Ian Pyrah 11th, Brian Yates 61st
Women’s Supervet (W55+) - Janice Nisbet 8th=

See the London City Race website for full results and further information, including Routegadget.

The previous day, there was an urban race presented by Guildford Orienteers, in Guildford town centre and the University of Surrey campus (scene of the JK Sprint in 2008).
Janice Nisbet came 8th in WSV, and Brian Yates came 30th in MUV.

Full results and other details are on the GO website.

Other entries categorised under: Event Reports