Falkirk Wheel Middle Distance event13 March 2022
There was a good turnout from ESOC for this interesting event.
Forth Valley Orienteers organised a Middle Distance event to complement the CompassSport Cup heat the previous day. The start and finish were right beside the Falkirk Wheel, conveniently close to the car park. The terrain was deciduous woodland and scrub, with some open areas, and a network of small paths and tracks. The Antonine Wall runs through the area, with deep ditches and steep banks, and longer courses passed through Rough Castle Roman Fort. Many courses had loops, returning several times to the same control.
The weather was much better than the previous day, and there was even some warm sun.
ESOC results in the top half were:
Blue (37 competitors) – Rachel Brown 2nd, Keith Brown 9th, Richard Oxlade 12th
Green (35) – Alison Cunningham 1st, Les Dalgleish 11th, Martin Caldwell 17th
Short Green (19) – Sally Lindsay 1st, Margaret Dalgleish 2nd, Judy Bell 5th, Janice Nisbet 6th, Rhona Fraser 10th
Light Green (11) – Calum Robertson 1st, Megan Brown 4th, Robert Findlay 6th
Yellow (5) – Ursula MacColl 3rd
Full results are available in the FVO results archive, and Routegadget is here.
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