June Social 2008Cramond Island
This is an exciting place to go because of the slight frisson of worry about being cut off by the tide - even thought the safe crossing times have been checked repeatedly!
This is an exciting place to go because of the slight frisson of worry about being cut off by the tide - even thought the safe crossing times have been checked repeatedly! New members were especially encouraged to come to this event, and many of them did. Almost 40 people, aged between 10 and 75, crossed the causeway.
Controls and maps were distributed, and the idea was to go and place your control, then punch as many others as you could and bring your own back in, all within 45 minutes. This format was thought up by Walter Clark, who drew the map in the grey December dawns three years ago and planned the Hair of The Dog that New Year. It’s good fun; though quite a few controls were not placed correctly in the heat of the moment.
Finishers were rewarded by toasted marshmallows and some rather small drinks. We all met people who’d previously been just names on the membership list - and we all returned over the causeway before the tide came in ......
Janet Clark
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