Edinburgh Southern Orienteering Club

Midlands Championships Weekend 2017Warwickshire, 25/26 March

A few ESOC members travelled south for two contrasting events at the Warwickshire Orienteering Weekend organised by Octavian Droobers, and had some great results.

The weekend included an urban race on Saturday 25 March in Rugby, followed by the Midland Championships at Bentley Woods, near Atherstone, on Sunday 26 March. These were very big events, with 1300 pre-entries.

Saturday’s Rugby Urban Event started from Rugby Athletics Track, SE of the town centre. The courses looped around typical flat and runnable urban terrain, with residential areas, shops and offices, parks and gardens, then around the grounds of a hospital before finishing on the athletics track itself.

The best ESOC result came from Helen Bridle, who won the Women’s Open class. Janice Nisbet came 11th in Supervet Women (55+); Paul Clatworthy came 15th in Men’s Open, and Brian Yates came 61st in Ultravet Men (65+).
Full results and Routegadget are available via the WOW Urban results page of the OD website.

The Midland Championships event was at Bentley Woods, with the arena in the grounds of Merevale Hall, W of Atherstone. The terrain included parkland, coniferous plantations and areas of mature deciduous woodland, all on undulating land dissected by streams in narrow valleys. The M/W18-21E courses were middle distance.

Helen Bridle again had the best ESOC result, coming 2nd in W21E. Janice Nisbet came 3rd in W60L; Paul Clatworthy came 18th in M21E; Brian Yates came 11th on Light Green.
Full results are here, and Routegadget is available on the WOW Midlands Champs results page of the OD website.

These were the 3rd and 4th events in the 2017 UK Orienteering League. There are more details about the UKOL on the UK Orienteering League page of the British Orienteering website. In the club league, ESOC is now lying in 34th position, with 8 scorers. 15 club members' scores can count for the club total, so our position should improve after a few more UKOL events.

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