Edinburgh Southern Orienteering Club

Northern Championships weekendHalifax/Castle Carr, 22/23 June 2013

A handful of ESOC members travelled south for two contrasting events presented by East Pennines Orienteering Club, with some outstanding results.

The Halifax Urban Race was on Saturday 22 June, in the early evening, with starts in Manor Heath Park, to the south of Halifax town centre. The first few controls were in parkland, then courses zigzagged through varied urban terrain including narrow streets of stone terraced houses, modern housing estates and industrial units. Longer courses visited the town centre itself.
This race was part of the Nopesport Urban League.
Ray Ward came 2nd in Men’s Open; Brian Yates came 27th in Men’s Ultravet; Janice Nisbet came 3rd in Women’s Supervet.

The Northern Championships event was on Sunday 23 June, at Castle Carr, NW of Halifax. Courses started on open moorland, very tussocky on the tops, and then descended into steep and muddy woodland areas. The weather was unfortunately very wet and windy.
Ray Ward came 4th in M35L; Brian Yates came 28th in M65L; Claire Ward won W21E; Janice Nisbet won W60L.

Results, comments, Routegadget and other details are on the Northern Championships Weekend page of the EPOC website.

The Halifax Urban Race was the 12th event in the new UK Orienteering League, and the Northern Championships was the 13th. There are more details about the UKOL, including the league tables, on the UK Orienteering League page of the British Orienteering website.

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