Edinburgh Southern Orienteering Club

October Social 2012Monday 1 October

Report from the October social.

Cramond was the venue for this monthly social and street run. The street O was a score event with controls gaining 20, 30 or 50 points depending on their number so careful selection was certainly advantageous. Some chose to navigate around various O sites taking them up to Barnton and around through Davidson’s Mains; others chose to stay closer to Cramond and the River Almond. Perhaps I should have planned it in the dark, as some control sites were rather more difficult to spot with a headlamp, and the elusive Cramond Fish on the promenade was only found by those with a spot of local knowledge – my apologies! Lots of fun was had nonetheless. Plenty of food was then consumed (!!) and again the opportunity was available to discuss previous events and offer Janet help for future ones!

Alison Cunningham

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