Edinburgh Southern Orienteering Club

October Social 2016Corstorphine, Monday 10 October

Fiona Findlay reports on the October Monday social.

October’s social was hosted by Alison and Katie Cunningham from their home in Corstorphine. 12 runners (plus 3 supporters) turned up for a 45 minute score in an area bounded by Maybury Road, Queensferry Road and including Corstorphine Hill.

There were a possible 24 controls; at each there was a question which gave a numerical answer. Your overall score was the total of all your answers PLUS your age (a handicap system), with the highest total winning.

Women – 1st Janet Clark, 2nd Sally Lindsay
Men – 1st Crawford Lindsay, 2nd Les Dalgleish
All controls visited – Andrew Lindsay (over time limit)
Most honest – Maggie Scrugham (who would have won but owned up to guessing the highest scoring answer at Corstorphine Tower).

Thank you to Alison and Katie for hosting, planning and providing the food and opportunity for a good chat afterwards.

Fiona Findlay

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