October Social 2017Monday 2 October
Fire Hydrant Orienteering - ESOC members dug out their head torches to look for fire hydrants around Gilmerton.
Mark Rowe reports:
"The October social was a gallop around Gilmerton, with club members assembling at Fran and Malcolm Humphrey’s. After a very windy day the weather was pleasantly benign and perfect for running. For some of us this was the first time head torches and the like had been dusted off in 6 months, cue a scramble for batteries which our hosts were quickly able to solve.
The format was to find as many of the 36 circled fire hydrant signs on the map as possible, and note down the numerical value at each location. The numerical value on the sign being the score for that location. However, the unique twist for this event was that you had to visit the odd numbered controls and then the evens (or vice versa), but only one ‘switch’ from odds to evens was allowed during the time limit; still with me??... Well some attendees on the night weren’t - which led to much hilarity come prize-giving time! The courses took us over the estates of Ferniehill, Hyvots Bank, Gilmerton Dykes, Muirhouse, Burdiehouse and Gracemount. Running through the middle of that little lot is Burdiehouse Burn which proved surprisingly steep and pitch black in places.
On to the serious bit of the night, the gossip and the eating, and what a feast we had with pizza, sausage rolls and numerous cheeses. Home baking and chocolate covered crispy cakes to follow ensured no one went home hungry.
The prize-winners were suitably rewarded with large bars of chocolate, presumably to slow them down at the next social and give the rest of us a chance! On the 45 min score course, Anne Stevenson took the honours, with the spot prize awarded to Janet Clark for picking up the control with the lowest value. On the 60 min course, Martin Caldwell proved that completing the Great Scottish half marathon the previous day left him with no ill effects by gaining the most points, with the spot prize going to Rachel Fawthrop.
Many thanks to Fran and Malcolm for all their efforts in providing the evening’s entertainment."
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