Edinburgh Southern Orienteering Club

Scottish Middle Distance Championships 2022Kinnoull Hill, 14 May

There was a good turnout from ESOC at the Scottish Middle Distance Championships, organised by Tayside Orienteers, and there were 3 Scottish champions from ESOC.


Kinnoull Hill is on the eastern edge of Perth, and is a well-known landmark with its dramatic cliffs towering above the motorway and River Tay. The terrain is mixed woodland, with some thickets and open areas, a few rock features, and a complicated network of paths, all on a north-sloping hillside. The start was near the Quarry Hill car park, on the N side of the hill.
The weather was fine, with sunny intervals, and underfoot conditions were good. The woodland was at its best, with fresh new leaves, spring flowers and not too much undergrowth.

There were 3 Scottish champions from ESOC:
Alison Cunningham (W Supervet), Sally Lindsay (W Ultravet) and Eleanor Pyrah (W Hypervet).

Other ESOC members in the top half of the results for their class were:
W20 (3 competitors) – Rachel Brown 2nd
M Vet (27) – Peter O’Hara 11th
M Supervet (35) – Richard Oxlade 14th, Finlay Ross 16th
M Ultravet (23) – Crawford Lindsay 9th
M Hypervet (11) – Roger Scrutton 3rd
W Open (23) – Helen Bridle 3rd, Katrina McLeod 9th, Rona Lindsay 10th, Alison O’Neil 11th
W Supervet (24) – Helena Nolan 10th
W Ultravet (12) – Margaret Dalgleish 2nd, Janice Nisbet 3rd

The full results, Routegadget, and further details about the event are available on the Scottish Middle Distance Championships page of the TAY website.

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