Edinburgh Southern Orienteering Club

Scottish Night Championships 2017Darnaway East, Saturday 18 February

The 2017 Scottish Night Championships, organised by Moravian Orienteers, saw some good results from ESOC in challenging terrain. 

Darnaway Forest lies SW of Forres, in Moray. The event centre was at Conicavel village hall, and the start was a short distance away in the forest. The terrain was excellent - forested moraine, with many small steep hills and depressions, giving very complex contour detail in places. Most of the forest was coniferous, with heathery ground cover and some brashings, and there were areas of oak and beech, which were easier underfoot. Paths and tracks criss-crossed the area.
The weather was mild and mostly fine, with a few light showers.

Congratulations to ESOC's 3 winners:
Roger Scrutton, M70
Anne Stevenson, W65
Eleanor Pyrah, W70

Other ESOC members in the top half of the results for their course were:
Course 2 (36 competitors) - Rona Lindsay 10th (3rd in W21L)
Course 3 (27) - Keith Brown 11th (4th in M55L)
Course 5 (32) - Kerry Wood 5th (4th in W16A), Sally Lindsay 11th (2nd in W60), Bill Stevenson 13th (4th in M65), Rachel Brown 15th (8th in W16A)
Course 6 (12) - Maja Robertson 4th (4th Novice)

Full results and more information about the event are available on the Scottish Night Championships event page of the Moravian Orienteers website.

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