Edinburgh Southern Orienteering Club

Scottish Sprint Championships 2017Lossiemouth, Sunday 19 February

There was a fair turnout of ESOC competitors for the Scottish Sprint Championships, which was also the third event in the 2017 Scottish Orienteering Urban League. 

This year, the Scottish Sprint Championships consisted of 2 separate races, with the times combined to give the final results. Both races were in Lossiemouth, on the Moray coast, with the event centre at the Lossiemouth FC Social Club, in the south part of the town. This event was organised by Moravian Orienteers, and was also SOUL 3.

The first race was on the SE edge of Lossiemouth, and all courses started in open coniferous forest, which was sandy underfoot and very flat, with many paths. The final controls were a complete contrast, in a complex area of modern houses calling for swift decision-making. The weather was fine, with some sunshine.

For the second race, the start was in the High School, further west, and the courses headed straight into the neighbouring housing estate, which is very complex, with a maze of narrow pathways between the houses offering plenty of route choice. Some courses had controls in a disused quarry area, and all finished with easier controls on the playing fields. The weather remained fine, though there was a chilly breeze.

There were 3 ESOC winners in the Scottish Sprint Championships:
Roger Scrutton, M70
Rachel Brown, W14
Eleanor Pyrah, W70

ESOC members who were in the top half of the results for SOUL 3 were as follows:
Open Women (33 competitors) – Rona Lindsay 5th
Veteran Men 40+ (26) – Mark Wood 9th
Veteran Women 40+ (21) – Judy Bell 6th
Supervet Men 55+ (16) – Crawford Lindsay 6th
Supervet Women 55+ (10) – Sally Lindsay 3rd, Janice Nisbet 4th
Ultravet Men 65+ (13) – Roger Scrutton 4th, Ian Pyrah 6th
Ultravet Women 65+ (10) – Eleanor Pyrah 3rd
Junior Women 16- (13) – Rachel Brown 5th, Kerry Wood 7th
Young Junior Women 12- (14) – Maja Robertson 3rd

Full results from both races, plus Routegadget and further details about the event, are available on the Scottish Sprint Championships event page of the Moravian Orienteers website.

For a list of all this year’s Scottish Orienteering Urban League events, and the league tables, see the SOUL page of the Scottish Orienteering Association website.

This event was also the 3rd event in the 2017 UK Urban League. League tables and other details about this league are available on the UK Urban League website.

Other entries categorised under: Event Reports