September Social 2012Monday 3 September
September Social - The Story
Many thanks once again to Jackie, Martin and Andie Caldwell for inviting us to their home in Currie for the September social. The format of the evening was an hour’s score event in pairs with one ‘control’ gaining 100 points and the others 10 each. There were 46 controls that could be visited and a question answered at each – some were more hidden and sometimes the clue was more subtle – I’m not sure that Tara really understood the link between Heinz and the bridge (57 slats) – but that could be a British thing! The subtlety of the pairing (partners of similar ability) was that controls were collected separately but if both collected the same control this one was cancelled out – hence the runners collecting more controls cancelled more out and the results could be more balanced between all abilities. This rule of cancelling out controls was deliberately not made clear at the beginning or there could have been more collusion within the pairing. The winners were Andrew and Heather followed by Fiona and Terry with Norma and Karin in 3rd position. This was a highly enjoyable run despite the damp conditions which typically followed a day of beautiful sunshine!
Once again we were treated to some delicious home-made bread and admired Martin’s plaiting technique ready for the next ‘Great British Bake Off’ (there are photos available)! This was another really good fun evening and a great chance to socialise and catch up with other club members.
Alison Cunningham
Social Secretary
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