Edinburgh Southern Orienteering Club

SOL 3, 2022Loch Ordie, 15 May

ESOC organised the third event in the 2022 Scottish Orienteering League. Plenty of ESOC members turned out to help, as well as competing, with some good results.

Loch Ordie is a few miles north of Dunkeld, and this area was last used for the ESOA Championships event in 2019. The terrain is open moorland, and is quite hilly, with plenty of crags, parallel ridges and marshes, and deep heather on higher ground. There was a 20-minute walk up to the start, which meant that courses had more descent than ascent.
The weather was dull at first, with a few spots of rain, but brightened later. There were some lovely views along the Tay valley.

ESOC members in the top half of the results for their course were:
Brown (19 competitors) – Donald Slater 4th
Short Brown (37) – Sabine Oechsner 15th
Blue (42) – Rachel Brown 4th, Richard Oxlade 15th
Short Blue (30) – Crawford Lindsay 5th, Finlay Ross 12th
Green (43) – Rona Lindsay 4th, Les Dalgleish 14th, Peter Halling 16th, Rachel Fawthrop 20th
Short Green (46) – Margaret Dalgleish 3rd=, Sally Lindsay 6th, Janice Nisbet 7th, Mary Williams 11th, Judy Bell 15th, Jim Morrison 16th
Light Green (21) – Calum Robertson 11th

Full results, Routegadget and other event information, including officials’ comments, are available on the Loch Ordie SOL event page of this website.

The 2022 Scottish Orienteering League tables can be found in the SOL Results Archive on the Scottish Orienteering website.

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