SOL 3, 2023Dunalastair East, 23 April
Tayside Orienteers organised the third event of the 2023 Scottish Orienteering League, in tough Perthshire terrain.
Dunalastair is near Tummel Bridge, west of Pitlochry. This event was in the eastern part of the area, which hadn’t been used for orienteering since 1997. The terrain was a mix of open marshland and birch woods and was mostly very rough, with waist-high bog myrtle in the marshes and tussocky or bouldery ground elsewhere, though a few animal tracks sometimes helped progress. Much of the area had vague contours and there were a few more complex parts, visited by the senior courses. Most enjoyed the technical challenge. Three starts and two finishes made the most of the terrain.
The weather was cloudy and quite windy but it stayed dry, though it was wet underfoot.
ESOC results in the top half of their courses:
Blue (46 competitors) – Keith Brown 16th
Short Green (32) – Richard Oxlade 1st, Judy Bell 4th, Mary Williams 5th, Sally Lindsay 6th, Margaret Dalgleish 9th, Anne Stevenson 13th, Ian Pyrah 14th
Light Green (29) – Tom Uutela 4th
Full results, including Routegadget and other details about the event, are available on the SOL 3 event page of the TAY website.
Details of all the events in this year’s Scottish Orienteering League, along with links to the latest league tables, are on the SOL page of the Scottish Orienteering Association website.
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