Edinburgh Southern Orienteering Club

SOL 4 - 2012Forvie, 9 September

The fourth event in the 2012 Scottish Orienteering League (and first one after the summer break) was organised by Grampian Orienteers.  There was a modest turnout from ESOC, perhaps due to the relatively long travelling time.

Forvie is a National Nature Reserve, a sand dune area on the coast north of Aberdeen. It has intricate contour detail in the dunes, with large expanses of heathery marsh inbetween. The weather was fine – quite breezy, but sunny and dry.

ESOC members in the top half of the results were:
Brown (20 competitors) – Craig Nolan 2nd
Short Blue (37) – Alison Cunningham 8th, Roger Scrutton 13th, Alastair Lessells 16th, Ian Pyrah 19th
Green (42) – Janice Nisbet 4th, Anne Stevenson 21st
Short Green (22) – Janet Clark 7th, Eleanor Pyrah 8th

Full results are available on the GRAMP website.

Other entries categorised under: Event Reports