Edinburgh Southern Orienteering Club

SOL 4 – 2013Auchingarrich, 9 June

The fourth event in this year’s Scottish Orienteering League was organised by Tayside Orienteers, and proved to be just as challenging as many remembered from the Scottish Championships in 2011.

Auchingarrich is near Comrie, in Perthshire, and is a tough area with a lot of dark green on the map, as well as plenty of contours, making for slow going. There’s a network of rides and other ways through the forest, often very confusing, so there was much discussion about route choice afterwards. Car parking was in the main drive of the Auchingarrich Wildlife Centre, and many visited the café later on or enjoyed looking round the centre itself.
The weather was cloudy but dry, and much cooler than the previous day in Edinburgh.

ESOC members in the top half of the results were:
Brown (19 competitors) – Andrew Lindsay 7th
Blue (60) – Peter O’Hara 15th, Heather Thomson 16th
Short Blue (39) – Claire Ward 1st, Alison Cunningham 4th, Helena Nolan 9th, Roger Scrutton 13th
Green (41) – Sally Lindsay 16th, Margaret Dalgleish 21st
Short Green (24) – Janet Clark 5th, Fiona Findlay 6th, Jim Clark 7th, Maureen Brown 9th

Full details, results and Routegadget for this event are available on the SOL 4 page of the TAY website.

Other entries categorised under: Event Reports