SOL3, Balkello Hill - 16 May 2010
This Scottish Orienteering League event was organised by TAY at a brand new area in the Sidlaw Hills. There were some good runs from ESOC members, including 2 course winners.
The Balkello Hill map also includes Auchterhouse, Balluderon and Eastfield hills, all on the southern slopes of the Sidlaw Hills north of Dundee. The area is mainly open hillside, with several sets of old quarry workings, and community woodland on the lower slopes. The longer courses had a remote start, and encountered a lot of heather on the hilltops, with sweeping views over the Tay estuary, while the intricate detail in the old quarries provided some interesting challenges. The weather was much better than forecast, and everyone enjoyed the spring sunshine.
ESOC members in the top half of the results were:
Short Brown (41 competitors) – Claire Ward 14th
Blue (56) – Clive Masson 8th, Craig Nolan 10th, Crawford Lindsay 11th, Dave Kershaw 14th, Andrew Lindsay 15th, Roger Scrutton 21st, Alastair Lessells 24th, Helena Nolan 26th, Mehmet Karatay 28th
Short Blue (39) – Alison Cunningham 7th, Neil Williams 9th, Bill Gauld 11th, Janice Nisbet 20th
Green (53) – Rona Lindsay 1st, Margaret Dalgleish 11th
Short Green (18) – Eleanor Pyrah 1st, Janet Clark 8th, Clare Williams 9th
Light Green (26) – Gavin Williams 11th
Full results, comments and Routegadget are available on the TAY website.