Edinburgh Southern Orienteering Club

SoSOL 5, 2019Duns Wood, 24 November

Many ESOC members competed in the final event of the 2019 South of Scotland Orienteering League, which was hosted by East Lothian Orienteers. 

Duns Wood is in Berwickshire, SE of the Lammermuir Hills, and the event centre at Duns Rugby Club provided good indoor facilities, including a coffee and cake stall. The area had been remapped for this event. It has blocks of woodland on gentle hillsides, with some intricate contour detail in old quarries. The woodland varied from conifer plantation to open beech forest, still with some autumn colour. There’s an extensive path network, and following the recent damp weather, the paths were often very muddy. The weather was dull but dry, and quite mild.

ESOC members in the top half of the results for their course were:
Brown (9 competitors) – Callum Tyler 1st
Blue (37) – Keith Brown 6th, Rachel Brown 7th, Isla Simmons 8th, Peter O’Hara 10th, Mark Rowe 11th
Green (29) – Davide Foffa 7th, Juliette Maire 12th
Short Green (16) – Eleanor Pyrah 3rd
Orange (13) – Megan Brown 2nd, Calum Robertson 5th
Yellow (9) – Connor Lupton 1st, Emily Burns 2nd, Robyn Lupton 3rd
White (8) – Sophie Burns 1st, Catherine Rowe 3rd

Full results, including Routegadget and other analysis, are available on the Duns Wood SoSOL page of the ELO website.

Further details about the South of Scotland Orienteering League, including the final league tables for 2019, are on the SoSOL page of the East of Scotland Orienteering Association website.

Other entries categorised under: Event Reports