Edinburgh Southern Orienteering Club

SoSOL2 – 2014/15Tentsmuir North, 5 October

There was a good ESOC turnout for the second South of Scotland Orienteering League event of the 2014/15 season, which was presented by Kingdom of Fife Orienteers.

Tentsmuir Forest is at the mouth of the Tay estuary; it’s a large area of plantation forest with a network of tracks and paths. This event was at the north end of the forest, near Tayport, just across the river from Dundee. The terrain is mostly quite flat, with parallel lines of sanddunes that have intricate contour detail, and the vegetation density varied. Often the track option was the quickest route, and there were some very fast runs. The weather was fine, and on the sandy soil, it was dry underfoot despite all the recent rain.

ESOC members in the top half of the results were:
Brown (24 competitors) – Claire Ward 4th, Ray Ward 10th
Blue (31) – Crawford Lindsay 7th, Clive Masson 8th, Gill Martin 9th, Keith Brown 12th, Roger Garnett 16th
Green (40) – Helena Nolan 12th, Maggie Scrugham 16th, Alastair Lessells 18th
Short Green (17) – Janet Clark 6th, Jim Clark 8th
Light Green (12) – Ben Brown 6th
Orange (16) – Rachel Brown 5th
White (3) – Megan Brown 2nd

Full results are available on the KFO website.
Further details about the South of Scotland Orienteering League, including the league tables, are available on the SoSOL page of the East of Scotland Orienteering Association website.

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