Edinburgh Southern Orienteering Club

SOUL 11, 2023Livingston, 2 December

Despite snow on the ground, there were some great results from ESOC competitors at the final event in the 2023 Scottish Orienteering Urban League, which was organised by Interløpers.

SOUL 11 took place in the north of Livingston, and the event centre was at Carmondean Community Centre. The Start was a short walk to the SE, near a railway footbridge, and courses immediately headed into very complicated urban terrain. There was plenty of route choice on traffic-free pathways, with a few dead ends, steps, courtyards, grassed areas, and pockets of woodland all needing full concentration. The longer courses continued further east, and all then led west past Livingston North station and eventually to the finish, through an underpass by Morrison’s supermarket.
The weather was very cold, but fine, and there was snow on the ground, but luckily it wasn’t icy, so underfoot conditions were better than expected.

ESOC results in the top half of their class:
W Open (9 competitors) - Sabine Oechsner 5th
M Vet (15) - Luigi Lerose 2nd, Terry Johnstone 6th
M Supervet (10) - Keith Brown 4th
W Supervet (8) - Katherine Kirk 3rd
M Ultravet (8) - Les Dalgleish 2nd
W Ultravet (9) - Sally Lindsay 2nd, Janice Nisbet 3rd
M Hypervet (6) - Ian Pyrah 1st
W Hypervet (4) - Eleanor Pyrah 2nd

Results, Routegadget and other details about the event are on the Livingston SOUL results page of the INT website.

For a list of all this year’s Scottish Orienteering Urban League events, see the SOUL page of the Scottish Orienteering Association website. The final league tables are here.

Other entries categorised under: Event Reports