Edinburgh Southern Orienteering Club

SOUL 12, 2022Livingston, 20 November

The penultimate event in the 2022 Scottish Orienteering Urban League was organised by Interløpers, with some great ESOC results.

Livingston offers excellent terrain for urban orienteering, as it has many different modern housing developments, with traffic-free pathways, steps, grassed areas, pockets of woodland and underpasses at major roads and the railway. The event centre was at Deans Community High School, and the Start was 800m to the south, near Livingston North station. The map covered Deans and Eliburn. The longest courses included Peel Park and Eliburn Park, and all courses demanded concentration throughout, with lots of route choice, and controls on a variety of features. The Finish was just to the west of the school.
After rain in the morning, the weather was fine, though cool. Most of the running was on tarmac, but the offroad sections were quite wet underfoot.

ESOC results in the top half:
M Vet (16 competitors) – Walter Clark 7th
W Supervet (12) – Alison Cunningham 1st, Helena Nolan 2nd
M Ultravet (15) – Martin Caldwell 2nd, Crawford Lindsay 3rd, Les Dalgleish 4th
W Ultravet (10) – Sally Lindsay 1st, Katy Lessells 5th
M Hypervet (5) – Roger Scrutton 2nd
W Hypervet (3) – Eleanor Pyrah 1st
M Young Junior (1) – Ben Davison-Ellis 1st

Results, Routegadget and other details about the event are in the SOUL 12 results item on the INT website.

For a list of all this year’s Scottish Orienteering Urban League events, see the SOUL page of the Scottish Orienteering Association website. The latest league tables are here.

Other entries categorised under: Event Reports