Edinburgh Southern Orienteering Club

SOUL 2, 2022Peebles, Sunday 6 February

The second event in the 2022 Scottish Orienteering Urban League was hosted by ESOC, with a good turnout of ESOC members helping and competing, and several class winners.

Peebles is in the Tweed valley, south of Edinburgh. The town has a wide variety of urban terrain, including modern housing estates, open parkland, and narrow alleyways and older buildings in the historic town centre. The Start was on the south side of the River Tweed, in Victoria Park, and courses immediately led off into the housing developments on the SE side of the town. The Finish for the shortest courses was back in Victoria Park, and longer courses crossed the river, with some tricky navigation in the old town, finishing on Tweed Green.
The weather was quite cold, with some snow showers, but improved as the day went on.

ESOC results in the top half:
M Open (7 competitors) – Vicente López Sánchez 1st, Simon Gregersen 2nd
W Open (4) – Sabine Oechsner 1st
M Vet (15) – Walter Clark 6th, Mark Sanderson 8th
W Vet (13) – Hanne Robertson 7th
W Supervet (19) – Alison Cunningham 1st, Helena Nolan 3rd
M Ultravet (18) – Martin Caldwell 3rd, Les Dalgleish 5th=, Crawford Lindsay 5th=
W Ultravet (11) – Sally Lindsay 3rd, Margaret Dalgleish 5th
W Hypervet (2) – Eleanor Pyrah 1st
M Junior (3) – Calum Robertson 2nd

Full results, including Routegadget, are on the Peebles SOUL event page on this website.

A link to the 2022 Scottish Orienteering Urban League tables is available on the SOUL page of the Scottish Orienteering Association website.

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