Edinburgh Southern Orienteering Club

SOUL 4 - 2012Strathaven, 12 August

An enthusiastic band of ESOC competitors attended the 4th event in the 2012 Scottish Orienteering Urban League, which was organised by STAG, and there were some great ESOC results.

The market town of Strathaven is south of Glasgow, with a population of around 8500. It has many historic buildings in the town centre, including a castle, as well as modern housing estates and a large park in the centre, which was a hive of activity on this sunny Sunday. Registration and the start and finish were in the park, with a welcome café for refreshments. Most courses had a long first leg, and it was surprisingly hilly. Towards the end, there was a route choice option through the small river (the Powmillion Burn), and many finished with wet feet.

ESOC competitors in the top half of the results were:
Course 1 (6.95km, 13 competitors) – Claire Ward 2nd, Andrew Lindsay 3rd, Walter Clark 5th, Tyler Morrison 6th
Course 3 (5.33km, 19) – Crawford Lindsay 5th
Course 4 (21) – Roger Scrutton 1st, Ian Pyrah 2nd, Janice Nisbet 3rd, Sally Lindsay 8th, Mary Williams 9th, Margaret Dalgleish 11th

Full results and Routegadget, as well as more details about the series, are on the SOUL page of the SOA website.

Other entries categorised under: Event Reports