SOUL 8, 2017Dunblane, 10 September
The eighth event in the 2017 Scottish Orienteering Urban League series was presented by Forth Valley Orienteers, in Dunblane.
Dunblane lies a few miles north of Stirling, on the Allan Water. There’s a variety of terrain including parkland, the narrow streets of the old town centre, and new housing estates with many interconnecting pathways. The event centre was at Victoria Halls, near the station.
All of the courses except the Short Green (course 5 for Ultravet Women, Hypervet Women and Hypervet Men) were a mixture of street orienteering and rough parkland, with steep, slippery slopes and plenty of unforgiving undergrowth. The Short Green Course (5) didn't visit this unforgiving terrain. All courses had plenty of route choice. Many courses visited a control sited on the golden post box which was painted gold in honour of Andy Murray winning the Gold Medal in Tennis at the 2012 London Olympics.
Unfortunately one of the controls (207 in a depression on the rough parkland) was misplaced, affecting 3 of the courses, and 2 legs on each of the 3 affected courses were voided for fairness. The Controller's full explanation is beside the results on the FVO website.
The weather was variously hail, rain and drizzle but none of this put off ESOC’s orienteers from having a great day out.
ESOC members in the top half of the results were:
Open Women (3 competitors) – 1st Gillian Martin
Veteran Women 40+ (18) – 2nd Alison Cunningham
Supervet Men 55+ (15) – 3rd Keith Brown, 8th Jim Morrison
Ultravet Men 65+ (8) – 3rd Ian Pyrah, 4th Alastair Lessells
Ultravet Women 65+ (7) – 2nd Margaret Dalgleish, 4th Eleanor Pyrah
Junior Women 16- (3) – 1st Rachel Brown
Young Junior Men 12- (8) – 2nd Joseph Lawlor
Young Junior Women 12- (6) – 2nd Maja Robertson
Full results, further details and Routegadget are available on the SOUL 8 event page of the FVO website.
For a list of all this year’s Scottish Orienteering Urban League events, and a link to the league tables (click on “BTO SOUL Series Results”), see the SOUL page of the Scottish Orienteering Association website.
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