Edinburgh Southern Orienteering Club

Summer BBQ 2016John Muir Country Park, Saturday 25 June

A warm sunny day brought a group of 25 ESOC members plus friends to East Lothian Orienteers’ local event and summer BBQ.

ELO held a local event and BBQ on Saturday 25 June at John Muir Country Park, near Dunbar.
The planning avoided the overgrown undergrowth with route choices available to minimise the nettles. The dune and beach areas used on the edge of the wood provided plenty fast running, and as is often the case in such terrain, tricky controls on a map with 2.5 metre contours.

ESOC in the top half of the results:-
Green: Claire Ward
Long Orange: Alice Herbison
Orange: Joseph Lawlor + 1
Yellow: Alice Herbison and Jilly Mackay, Rowan Lawlor
White: Calum Robertson

Full results on ELO website.

Many stayed for the BBQ, sited in a very sheltered spot. Paul Caban brought an interesting selection of maps he’d recently run on, including the 2016 Jukola.

This was a very pleasant afternoon and so near to home.

Ewart Scott

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