Edinburgh Southern Orienteering Club

TAY Christmas Score event 2014Camperdown & Templeton Woods, 14 December

A few ESOC members enjoyed the traditional TAY Christmas event.

Tayside Orienteers present a mass-start score event each Christmas – this year it was in Dundee. Camperdown Park is the largest park in Dundee and is mainly open, sloping parkland, with a golf course (which was out of bounds) on the north side of the park. Templeton Woods, reached via a marshalled crossing on the busy A923, is a commercial forest, mostly coniferous, with many paths and tracks, and open land at the north end of the map beyond the woods.
The points available for each control ranged from 10 to 40 points, with a 50 minute time limit for Short and 60 minutes for Long. On the Long course, 3 controls had map snippets showing the location of “bonus” controls, each worth 25 points.

The weather was milder than over the previous few days, and mostly dry and bright, although there was a short shower. Underfoot conditions were reasonable, with some mud in places (especially where there had been recent forestry work in Templeton Woods), and as the whole area is very runnable, there were some impressive times.

Most people wore santa hats, tinsel or other seasonal attire, and many competitors stayed on for lunch at a nearby pub.

All the ESOC members competed on the Long course, which had 52 competitors, and those in the top half of the results were Clive Masson (3rd), Crawford Lindsay (11th), and Alastair Lessells (16th).

Results and other details are on the event page of the TAY website.

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