Tinto Twin 2012 / SOL 7Carmichael Estate/Dreva & Muckle Muir, 27/28 October
The 25th Tinto Twin competition saw ESOC members win a good selection of trophies.
The Tinto Twin is an annual 2-day competition, with a night event on Saturday, followed by a day event on Sunday, and the combined results determine the overall winners. This year, the night event was at Carmichael Estate, near Biggar, and the day event was at Dreva & Muckle Muir, near Broughton. The day event was also the final Scottish Orienteering League event for the season.
On Saturday, it was quite cold with some heavy showers, and the underfoot conditions were very wet. Most courses encountered a lot of willow that was runnable in one direction, as well as farmland including stubble fields and pasture, woodland and open hillside. There was excellent soup and rolls afterwards, and also a lavish buffet including a splendid 25th anniversary cake in the shape of Tinto Hill.
ESOC members in the top half of the results were:
Brown (17 competitors) – Andrew Lindsay 2nd
Blue (17) – Rona Lindsay 4th
Green (28) – Roger Scrutton 9th, Bill Stevenson 10th, Janice Nisbet 13th
Short Green (5) – Eleanor Pyrah 1st, Jim Clark 2nd, Janet Clark 3rd
The day event was also part of the Junior Inter-Area competition, which was won by the West. Most courses started in a patch of rough woodland on the lower ground, then headed for the open hill, criss-crossing the steep slopes to various crags, boulders and re-entrants. It was very muddy and wet underfoot.
ESOC members in the top half of the results were:
Brown (19 competitors) – Andrew Lindsay 8th, Craig Nolan 10th
Blue (50) – Rona Lindsay 11th, Jonathan Ellis 13th, Crawford Lindsay 14th, Ronnie Nolan 17th
Short Blue (29) – Alastair Lessells 6th, Ian Pyrah 10th, Roger Scrutton 15th
Green (32) – Janice Nisbet 3rd, Mary Williams 5th, Margaret Dalgleish 13th, Bill Stevenson 15th
Short Green (21) – Jim Clark 7th, Janet Clark 8th, Eleanor Pyrah 9th, Helena Nolan 10th
Light Green (30) – Angus Shaw 10th
Orange (22) – Ben Brown 11th
Yellow (11) – Rachel Brown 6th
White (7) – Megan Brown 4th
Congratulations to all the ESOC trophy winners in the overall Tinto Twin competition:
Andrew Lindsay (M18), Crawford Lindsay (M55), Roger Scrutton (M65), Jim Clark (M70), Rona Lindsay (W18), Janice Nisbet (W55), Anne Stevenson (W60), Eleanor Pyrah (W65), Janet Clark (W70).
Full (provisional) results are available here, with more details on the Tinto website.
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