Tinto Twin 2016Carmichael Estate / Lanark, 12/13 November
There were several ESOC trophy winners at the 29th Tinto Twin weekend, which included the final event in the 2016 Scottish Orienteering Urban League.
The Tinto Twin is an annual 2-day competition, with a night event on Saturday, followed by a day event on Sunday, and the times are combined in the overall results. For 2016, the night event was at Eastend of Carmichael, near Biggar, and the day event was in Lanark.
The terrain for Saturday’s Night Event was a mixture of fields and wooded areas, with quite a lot of fences. It was a lovely evening, with the almost full moon shining clearly, but not too cold. Some had difficulty navigating from the finish round the outbuildings to download. Excellent soup was served afterwards at the farm steading.
ESOC members in the top half of the results for their course were:
Long (16 competitors) – Jonathan Ellis 2nd, Mark Wood 4th, Mark Rowe 5th, Keith Brown 6th
Medium (16) – Roger Garnett 5th, Les Dalgleish 6th
Short (10) – Ian Pyrah 3rd, Anne Stevenson 4th
Light Green (3) – Rachel Brown 1st
At Sunday's Day Event, the event centre was at Lanark Lifestyles Centre, near the railway station. Great indoor facilities including changing rooms and a swimming pool, and the start and finish were just outside. Early runners had the advantage of missing the rain. It was slippy underfoot, with a mixture of terrain from narrow alleyways in the centre of town to wooded areas on the outskirts.
ESOC members in the top half of the results were:
M Vet (18) – Mark Wood 4th, Walter Clark 6th
M SuperVet (14) – Martin Caldwell 3rd
M UltraVet (13) – Alastair Lessells 2nd, Ian Pyrah 3rd, Roger Scrutton 4th, Roger Garnett 7th
W Vet (13) – Helena Nolan 3rd, Judy Bell 6th
W SuperVet (10) – Margaret Dalgleish 5th
W UltraVet (10) – Eleanor Pyrah 2nd, Anne Stevenson 4th, Fiona Findlay 5th
W Junior (5) – Rachel Brown 1st
W Young Junior (3) – Maja Robertson 1st
M Young Junior (5) – Calum Robertson 3rd
This was the 9th (and final) event in the 2016 Scottish Orienteering Urban League. Details of all the 2016 SOUL events, and the final league tables, are on the Urban League 2016 page of the Scottish Orienteering Association website.
ESOC trophy winners in the overall Tinto Twin competition were:
Roger Garnett (M65), Ian Pyrah (M70), Jim Clark (M80), Rachel Brown (W14), Eleanor Pyrah (W70), Janet Clark (W75).
Full results, including Routegadget, and further details about the events are available on the event pages of the Tinto Orienteers website:
Night event
Day event
Other entries categorised under: Event Reports