Training - Braidburn Valley Park, 31 October 2018
Wednesday evening session - Spooky-O, led by Judy Bell
Judy reports:
“A few brave souls gathered at Braidburn Park for a night of Spooky Orienteering. In the end, however, it was our bright head torches which frightened a group of Trick or Treaters taking a short cut across the park, rather than us being frightened by strange happenings.
There was the option to come in fancy dress, and Eleanor came as an Interløper, while Ian was dressed with some spooky headwear. I discovered the advantages of coaching in fancy dress as I was able to stay warm with a fleecy Tigger outfit over all my orienteering gear.
After the usual warm up drills, it was time for spooky spider intervals. This was a relay-type race to collect (plastic!) spiders with options for flat or hill runs, with spiders allocated different points depending on their location.
The actual orienteering was a game of bingo. Each player was given a bingo card with 9 numbers and a map with controls marked. The controls were not numbered on the map, so you had to visit a control to check its number to see if it was on your bingo card. Essentially score orienteering but with an added element of chance. The controls were all friendly little ghosts.
It was then down to the serious part of the evening – apple dookin’. We had considered using the Braid Burn for this, but decided that a more conventional basin looked more appropriate on the Risk Assessment. There were then some Halloween treats and Eleanor had provided some homemade flapjack to add to the party. Unfortunately there isn’t usually any cake after training – maybe that’s what we need to attract more along.”