Edinburgh Southern Orienteering Club

Turf Event TurfEmbra11Bruntsfield, Monday 5 June

A fine foot event on a summer evening.

TurfEmbra11 was planned by MarkkuEsoc. This was a foot event, from 6:30 till 7:10pm, to celebrate a visit to Edinburgh by Drassen (co-founder of Turf) and his son epic. The event area was centred on Bruntsfield, covering Fountainbridge, the Meadows and Marchmont. There were 19 participants and 90 zones, named after Turf regions or countries. Turfers soon spread throughout the area to take almost all the zones repeatedly. After a warm afternoon, the evening was cooler but still bright – good conditions for turfing.

Turfer Aibo reports:
“Monday was certainly brightened up this week by taking part in TurfEmbra11 on a breezy evening in Bruntsfield. Around twenty Turfers, some sporting newly acquired virtual headgear and a plethora of luminous Turf Scotland t-shirts (available in most charity shops), took off from the Black Ivy in a tight pack. When my little green avatar eventually emerged, I ran off like a headless chicken, with no strategy whatsoever, for an area south of the popular Bruntsfield Links and took my first zone “Wurttemburg”, just one of 90 zones Mark had named after the Turf regions around the world. I appeared to be in the wake of ZulaTheAlien, so tried to follow her but ESOCWalter thwarted my plan, so rerouted to Morningside Road. After practically hugging the Churchill Theatre and getting a few strange looks (I was having problems with the GPS) I took my 5th zone and headed out to the canal, where I bagged Italy, Monaco, Portugal and latterly Malta - incidentally where I honeymooned nearly 23 years ago - so that was nice.
I was just trying to acquire Hamburg, going in the wrong direction as usual (why this Turfer turfs and doesn’t orienteer!) when it was all over and I headed back to the start for beer, food and the chance to chat to Drassen and his son, epic, who were in Edinburgh for a few days.”

MarkkuEsoc adds:
“The leading scorer on the night, as well as leading junior, was EsocKisaKat who was presented with some liquorice sweets (a delicacy in Sweden allegedly) and Lightinkorean who was presented with some Swedish beverages all thanks to Drassen. Some of the assembled Turfers enjoyed a meal in the company of Drassen where we grilled him with all manner of Turf-related questions and how the concept began. To show our appreciation for all his efforts Drassen was presented with a beautiful engraved Decanter and son Epic was overjoyed to receive a Harry Potter wand! All too soon the evening was over and we drifted off to take some zones on our various journeys home.”

The event map, with full results, is available on the TurfEmbra11 event page on the Turf website.

Details of how a Turf event works are in this document: Participating in a Turf Event
Also see this news item for a report from the previous Turf event in Edinburgh.

Other entries categorised under: Turf