Edinburgh Southern Orienteering Club

Yellowcraig Social 2013Saturday 22 June

Poor weather didn't dampen ESOC spirits

Despite a forecast of persistent heavy rain the weather turned out reasonably fair for this Saturday ELO event and BBQ.

About 12 ESOCers joined a small band from ELO and Interlopers at the BBQ area for food, drink and chat. The location is lovely and only a few showers dampened the sunshine. The Brown family ran early and had the barbeques burning well and something smelling good as I ran past on the way to my first control! Trina from ELO had supplied lots of food and drink so it was such a shame I had to dash off early and not enjoy a cider and chocolate banana as others could! Even at this small event the chat turned to route choice, missing out controls and nettles!! Lots of nettles (we had been warned)! I’m sure they were over head height – at least for the little people; and well done those who trail blazed with early starts!

This was a lovely wee social and our grateful thanks to ELO for allowing us to tag along and enjoy your hospitality.

Alison Cunningham

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