Edinburgh Southern Orienteering Club

October Social 2015Monday 5 October

Not just an ordinary social!

The October social was hosted by Janet and Jim Clark in their large Stockbridge flat. Breaking with tradition somewhat, they sub-contracted the planning of the evening’s orienteering to Martin Quirke. Whilst he created a different challenge from normal, they produced some excellent food, backed up by Mary Williams’ luscious apple cake. On the face of it, Martin’s activity was a fairly standard street event, with 20 control points and a time allowed of 45 minutes. However, there were cunning twists; you didn’t have to go to the control sites, as guessing was allowed, and even encouraged by Martin. A further twist was that bonus points were available: it was possible to earn 10 extra points per control by circling the Y in the claim bonus column. If 5 people or fewer had circled the Y, then each gained 10 points; if more than 5 chose Y, they each gained nothing, and everyone who had chosen N received 5 points. The default answer was N, so you had to positively choose Y. It all sounded complicated, and most people just went out for a run and circled random Ys and just wrote down the answers for the sites they visited. However, Rachel Fawthrop made a guess at all the control points she hadn’t visited, and as a result gained the most points for the run. As for bonus points, Andrew Lindsay came top here, since he went for a bonus at all 20 controls and gained points for 13 of them. Overall, Rona Lindsay came 1st, Rachel came 2nd, and I came 3rd.
The map, the questions and answers, and the scores are available below.

- Crawford Lindsay


Questions and answers


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